What’s happening?
We’re running a 10-week, updated, evidence-based Elklan training course that will provide you with theoretical knowledge and an abundance of practical skills and ideas to support autistic pupils and/or individuals with social communication needs.
It uses interactive teaching methods, practical activities, videos and group discussion to engage you and support your learning.
Who is it for?
It is suitable for those who work in mainstream, special schools and specialist units, particularly teaching assistants.
It will empower you to develop the communication skills of pupils who need support to develop their language in a social context.
When is it?
There will be a meet-and-greet on Friday 17 January 2025 at 10-10.30am for everyone attending. The course will then continue every Tuesday from 21 January from 10-11am until 25 March, with a one-week break for half-term. The final session will be on 1 April from 10am to 10.30am
How much is it?
The full course costs £465 (including VAT) and includes the cost of the Elklan e-book as well as accreditation on completion of the course. For more information and to book your tickets, visit our Eventbrite page!