Apply now for a Sarah Buckley Student Grant!

Every year, as part of our commitment to lifelong learning in the field of speech and language therapy, SBT is pleased to offer a series of student grants for individuals undertaking training to become a Speech and Language Therapist.

This year, we will be awarding three grants of £500 each. Additionally, the successful applicants will have access to various opportunities and support, throughout their time at university.

Renamed to honour SBT’s founder Sarah Buckley who passed away this year, the Sarah Buckley Student Grant Scheme is now accepting applications. To find out more and to apply, please visit the scheme’s home page.

The deadline for applications is 31st December 2024

SBT Student Grant 2023-24 recipients announced

Every year, as part of our commitment to lifelong learning in the field of speech and language therapy, SBT is pleased to offer a series of student grants for individuals undertaking training to become a Speech and Language Therapist.

This year, we awarded four grants of £500 each. The successful applicants will also have access to various opportunities and support throughout their time at university.

The lucky recipients were:

  • Deb Bell
  • Aiobh Hendron
  • Jessica Jillings
  • Jessica Oti

Applications for 2024-25 will open in September. For more details, please visit our Student Grants page.

Apply now for the 2023-24 SBT Student Grants!

Every year, as part of our commitment to lifelong learning in the field of speech and language therapy, SBT is pleased to offer a series of student grants for individuals undertaking training to become a Speech and Language Therapist.

This year, we will be awarding three grants of £500 each. Additionally, the successful applicants will have access to various opportunities and support, throughout their time at university.

Applications for the grants have now closed. We will be announcing the recipients shortly.

SBT Student Grant 2022-23 recipients announced

Every year, as part of our commitment to lifelong learning in the field of speech and language therapy, SBT is pleased to offer a series of student grants for individuals undertaking training to become a Speech and Language Therapist.

This year, we awarded four grants of £500 each. The successful applicants will also have access to various opportunities and support throughout their time at university.

The lucky recipients were:

  • Rebecca Arnold
  • Mallaidh Byrne
  • Sorcha Lynch
  • Becca Shiel

Applications for 2023-24 will open in September. For more details, please visit our Student Grants page.

Apply now for the 2022-23 SBT Student Grants!

Every year, as part of our commitment to lifelong learning in the field of speech and language therapy, SBT is pleased to offer a series of student grants for individuals undertaking training to become a Speech and Language Therapist.

This year, we will be awarding three grants of £500 each. Additionally, the successful applicants will have access to various opportunities and support, throughout their time at university.

To receive your application form or for any queries, please contact [email protected]. You can also download the application form.

The deadline for applications is 14th November 2022.

Meet the third of 2021’s SBT Student Grant recipients: Joanne Ingham

This month, we announced the recipients of this year’s SBT Student Grant. We’ve already introduced you to two of them, Alexis Emma Doyle and Kimberley Cambridge, and today, you can find out more about the third of the three recipients, Joanne Ingham, and what the award means to her!

Continue reading “Meet the third of 2021’s SBT Student Grant recipients: Joanne Ingham”

Meet the second of 2021’s SBT Student Grant recipients: Alexis Emma Doyle

Last week, we announced the recipients of this year’s SBT Student Grant. Today, you can find out more about the second recipient, Alexis Emma Doyle, and what the award means to her!

Here’s some of what she’s already spent her grant on: “They are my first purchases from my Amazon wish list, and will really help when I start my paediatric placement in a couple of weeks. I couldn’t have afforded them without the grant so please pass on my huge thanks!”

Language Disorders books

Continue reading “Meet the second of 2021’s SBT Student Grant recipients: Alexis Emma Doyle”

SBT Student Grant 2021-22 recipients announced

Kimberley Cambridge

Every year, as part of our commitment to lifelong learning in the field of speech and language therapy, SBT is pleased to offer a series of student grants for individuals undertaking training to become a Speech and Language Therapist.

This year, we awarded three grants of £500 each. The successful applicants will also have access to various opportunities and support throughout their time at university.

The lucky recipients were:

  • Kimberley Cambridge
  • Alexis Doyle
  • Joanne Ingham

We’ll be talking with each of the winners this week on the blog, so stay tuned to find out more about them and what the grant means for them!

Applications for 2022-23 will open in September. For more details, please visit our Student Grants page.